There is a minimum 24-hour cancellation notice for any workout session Monday through Friday
and Saturday before 1:00pm (Sunday not being a business day). “No-show”, last minute cancellations or last minute re-scheduled appointments will be charged the full amount for the missed session. Exceptions to this rule will be dealt with on an individual basis and are at the
discretion of Supafit. (Please note that those customers providing adequate notice or
those granted an exception for a missed appointment can make up their credited time as long as it falls within the period stated in the policy above). If you are going to be away for any sessions, it is your responsibility to either call in or speak with the trainer, leave a voicemail message, e-mail your message.
If you are late, be advised that the training coach will have to end the session at the normally
scheduled time. Please remember that the training coach is on a schedule.


Training packages purchased are to be used by that individual only. Training Packages are non-transferable between members, non-refundable and mustbe used within the specified time of purchase. SupaFit has the right to refuse training
credits extending beyond the specified period and customers are advised to make sure to book
appointments during the recommended time period.


“Doubles”: Should one partner cancel their appointment within the 24 hour cancellation period, then the other partner will be billed a “singles” rate corresponding with the number of training sessions per week that they are currently in (i.e. 2x per week, etc.). Should one partner not cancel ahead of time within the stipulated 24-hour time period, then both partners will be billed as usual, their doubles rate. If you choose to train as a double, you may have only one double partner. It is the responsibility of the partners to communicate between themselves if they are not going to make it to a session. SupaFit is not responsible for informing one partner if the other calls to cancel or change their appointment.


“Drop-ins”: Any customer wishing to drop-in for sessions rather than committing to a package
must provide SupaFit with their credit card number and will be billed accordingly in the
following month of your session.



It is SupaFit’s, commitment to maintain the principles of integrity and trust with respect to the protection of personal information. As part of our commitment, SupaFit will protect the privacy of personal information of employees, customers, customers and other individuals whose personal information is in SupaFit’s possession. SupaFit is committed to complying with United State’s Personal Information Protection Act (the “Act”) and all other applicable privacy laws.


“business contact information” means information that enables an individual to be contacted at
work, including his/her name, title, business address, business telephone number, fax number,
and e-mail address. “employee personal information” means personal information about an employee that is collected, used, or disclosed, solely for the purposes reasonably required to establish, manage or terminate an employment relationship, but does not include other personal information about the employee. “personal information” is information about an identifiable individual, but does not include business contact information or work product information. “work product information” means information prepared or collected by an individual or group of individuals as part of their employment or business responsibilities or activities related to their employment or business.


SupaFit collects personal information strictly for internal purposes only, in order to serve our customers, and update our customers on company information and promotions.


SupaFit requires the consent of individuals to collect, use or disclose personal information. Unless required by law or otherwise authorized by the Act, SupaFit will not use or disclose personal information already collected for other purposes unless it contains the consent of the individual to whom it belongs. Generally, SupaFit will seek consent to use and disclose personal information at the same time as it collects the information.
Subject to contractual or legal arrangements, individuals may withdraw or refuse consent
provided that SupaFit is given reasonable notice. SupaFit will inform the individual of the consequences of withdrawing the consent, if any.


SupaFit will only collect personal information for the purposes it has identified and that are reasonable in the circumstances. SupaFit will only collect personal information through methods that are lawful, will not collect information indiscriminately and will try to collect personal information directly from the individual concerned unless authorized by that individual to collect it from a third party or otherwise as permitted by the Act.


SupaFit will make reasonable efforts to ensure that personal information in its control is accurate and complete. Individuals may request corrections to their personal information. If an individual’s request for a correction is rejected by SupaFit will make a notation of such request and rejection on the individual’s file or personal information.


SupaFit will protect personal information in its control against risks of loss, theft,
unauthorized access, disclosure, copying use, modification or destruction by security safeguards
that are appropriate to the sensitivity and format of the information.


Upon reasonable written notice from an individual, SupaFit will, within 30 days or such
longer period in the event SupaFit obtains an extension, provide access to all his/her
personal information in SupaFit’s possession and tell the individual what the information
is being used for and to whom it has been disclosed. SupaFit reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for providing access to personal
information. If SupaFit refuses an individual’s request for access, SupaFit will notify the
individual in writing, documenting the reason for refusal, the relevant provision of the Act on which
it relies and resources for redress available to the individual.